The leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yells, 'Wrong jungle!' (Stephen Covey)
We have a leader within us. The voice that knows when something feels deeply fulfilling. An exciting new job. The right guy or girl to have a family with. The right name to give your newborn. Often this voice is quietened by the culture we live in.
People like us do things like this.
Take a pause, a holiday to climb the tallest tree to have a look at the jungle you are in. Awareness is the first step to finding the jungle you want to be in.
Consider coaching. Coaching offers a life-altering discovery of your true best self in a safe space and focused time for faster results.
A lawyer-turned-coach, Anya Smirnova has been delivering executive coaching and health coaching since 2015. She loves supporting women to realise their full potential, particularly at times of transition in career/life when choices feel like “either/or” and the temptation is high to trade in dreams and ambitions for the security of the well-known. Her mission is to support more women to have senior positions while being fullfilled in their lives and careers.
Reach out to Anya for a free no-obligation chemistry coaching session.